Dr. Virginia Prince:

Will you please send me the magazine you spoke of on the Allen Douglas Show in Cleveland.

The interview was very interesting and I am sure a member of our family needs more understanding.

Thank you kindly,



Dear Dr. Prince,

I recently saw you on the Alan Douglas television show and heard you on his radio show in Cleveland. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a very informative evening on both occasions. My views on transverstism were of a very immature, uneducated nature before having heard you speak on the subject. Although I am not a transvestite myself, I became very endeared and sympathetic to your cause. The world needs more people like you in spirit to stand up for what they really believe. I applaud your free spirit.

You mentioned your magazine, "Transvestia," in the broadcasts. I would appreciate seeing a copy of this. As a student of the world I am very interested in everything that happens to its people. Before another year passes, I hope to be relocated in the L.A. area and would look for- ward to meeting you or at least hearing more about you.

Sincerely yours, Gerald

Dear Virginia,

It is always a pleasure to see you and I hope you can come back in November. I have decided to start a new organization. Any FPE member is eligible. No dues, no offices, but 3 classes.

The name of the organization is "The Order of the Squirrel." There are two requirements for membership.

1) One must be a member in good standing of FPE.

2) To know Virginia Prince. "The Order of the Squirrels" is devoted to helping Virginia Prince in her travels and public relations work. Squirrels collect nuts, and that's what we are, a bunch of nuts. There are three classes to the order. The second and third classes are self- appointed.

For my recent work with you, I am awarding myself the Order of the Squirrel, 3rd class. For additional effort, I should receive the second class award.

However, you Miss Prince, must determine when I shall receive the Order of the Squirrel, 1st class. Also, you must decide what merits this high and distinctive decoration. The award of the 1st class order entitles